College life is filled with numerous responsibilities, from attending classes and studying for exams to participating in extracurricular activities and managing personal commitments. Staying organized amidst this whirlwind can be challenging, but it’s essential for academic success and personal well-being. This is where calendar apps come in handy. These tools serve as digital assistants, helping students keep track of their schedules, set reminders for important deadlines, and plan their days efficiently.

In this article, we will highlight the best calendar apps for college students. Whether you’re looking for an online planner for students or an all-in-one online student planner, we’ve got you covered. By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to choose the right calendar app to help you stay on top of your college life and achieve your goals.

Microsoft Outlook Calendar


Microsoft Outlook Calendar is a powerful tool that seamlessly integrates with the entire Microsoft Office suite, making it a convenient option for students already using tools like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. One of its standout features is email synchronization, which allows you to easily schedule meetings and events directly from your inbox. The advanced scheduling options enable you to set recurring events, invite participants, and manage multiple calendars, making it a comprehensive solution for managing your academic and personal life.


  • Robust Security: Microsoft Outlook Calendar offers strong security features, ensuring that your data is protected. This is particularly important for students who need to safeguard their academic and personal information.
  • Professional Interface: The professional and polished interface of Outlook Calendar makes it suitable not only for students but also for those preparing to enter the workforce. Its design helps users maintain a professional appearance.
  • Comprehensive Toolset: With its integration into the Microsoft Office ecosystem, Outlook Calendar provides a wide range of tools and features that enhance productivity. From task management to email integration, it covers all the bases.


  • Learning Curve: While the extensive features of Microsoft Outlook Calendar are beneficial, they can also make the app somewhat complex for new users. It might take some time to become familiar with all its functionalities.
  • Potential Cost for Premium Features: While the basic version of Outlook Calendar is free, some advanced features and additional storage options may require a subscription to Microsoft 365. This could be a consideration for budget-conscious students.

Apple Calendar


Apple Calendar is a versatile and intuitive app designed specifically for users within the Apple ecosystem. It offers seamless integration with iOS and macOS devices, ensuring that your schedule is always in sync across your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. One of its standout features is Siri support, which allows you to create and manage events using voice commands, making it incredibly convenient. Additionally, Apple Calendar supports family sharing, enabling you to easily share your schedule with family members or roommates, which can be particularly useful for coordinating group activities.


  • Smooth Synchronization Across Apple Devices: Apple Calendar excels in providing a consistent and reliable experience across all your Apple devices. This ensures that any changes you make on one device are instantly reflected on others, helping you stay organized no matter which device you’re using.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The clean and straightforward design of Apple Calendar makes it one of the best calendar apps for college students. Its intuitive interface allows for easy event creation and management, making it an ideal online planner for students.
  • Free Access for Apple Users: Apple Calendar is completely free for users within the Apple ecosystem, offering a robust set of features without any additional cost. This makes it one of the best planner apps for students free of charge.


  • Limited Availability for Non-Apple Users: The primary drawback of Apple Calendar is its limited availability outside the Apple ecosystem. Non-Apple users cannot access or use this app, which restricts its utility to those who exclusively use Apple devices.

Features is a comprehensive productivity app that offers a range of features tailored to help college students stay organized. Its task management capabilities allow you to create to-do lists, set priorities, and categorize tasks, making it easier to keep track of assignments and deadlines. The app also includes a robust reminders system, ensuring you never miss an important event or due date. Additionally, offers daily planning tools that help you plan your day effectively by breaking down tasks into manageable chunks.


  • Intuitive Design: boasts an intuitive and user-friendly design that makes it easy to navigate and use. This simplicity ensures that you can quickly add tasks, set reminders, and plan your day without a steep learning curve.
  • Integration with Other Apps: integrates seamlessly with other popular apps and services, including calendars, email, and note-taking apps. This integration enhances its utility as an online planner for students by consolidating various productivity tools into one platform.
  • Focus on Productivity: is designed with a strong focus on boosting productivity. Features like daily planning, task prioritization, and recurring reminders help you stay on top of your responsibilities and maximize your efficiency.


  • Potential Cost for Premium Features: While offers a free version with basic features, some of the more advanced functionalities require a subscription to Premium. This cost might be a consideration for budget-conscious students.
  • Limited Advanced Options: Although is excellent for basic task management and daily planning, it may lack some advanced features found in other productivity apps. Users seeking more sophisticated tools might find its capabilities somewhat limited.



Todoist is a powerful task management app that offers a variety of features designed to enhance productivity and organization. It excels in project organization, allowing users to create projects and sub-projects to manage their tasks more effectively. Todoist also includes a priority level system, enabling you to assign different levels of importance to tasks, helping you focus on what matters most. Additionally, productivity tracking features, such as task completion trends and activity logs, provide insights into your work habits and progress over time.


  • Sleek Interface: Todoist boasts a clean, modern interface that is both visually appealing and easy to use. This sleek design makes it simple to add tasks, organize projects, and track your progress, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Cross-Platform Availability: One of Todoist’s key strengths is its availability across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and web browsers. This cross-platform support ensures that you can access and manage your tasks from any device, making it an ideal online planner for students.
  • Collaboration Tools: Todoist offers robust collaboration features, allowing you to share projects and tasks with classmates or study groups. This makes it a great tool for group projects and collaborative assignments, fostering teamwork and communication.


  • Potential Costs: While Todoist offers a free version with essential features, many of the advanced functionalities, such as project templates, reminders, and productivity tracking, are only available with a Todoist Premium subscription. This may be a consideration for students on a tight budget.
  • Complexity for New Users: Due to its extensive feature set, Todoist can be somewhat complex for new users. It might take some time to learn how to utilize all of its capabilities effectively, which could be a drawback for those looking for a simpler solution.



Fantastical is a highly regarded calendar app known for its powerful features and user-friendly design. One of its standout features is natural language processing, which allows you to create events and reminders simply by typing phrases like “Lunch with John at 12 PM tomorrow.” This intuitive feature makes event creation quick and effortless. Fantastical also supports integration with various calendar services, including Google Calendar, iCloud, and Microsoft Exchange, enabling you to consolidate all your schedules in one place.


  • Powerful and Versatile Interface: Fantastical offers a versatile interface that adapts to your needs, whether you’re viewing your schedule in day, week, month, or year view. Its powerful features are easily accessible, making it one of the best calendar apps for college students.
  • Ease of Use: Despite its advanced features, Fantastical maintains an easy-to-use interface that is welcoming for both new and experienced users. The natural language processing feature, in particular, simplifies the process of managing your schedule.
  • Strong Integration with Other Services: Fantastical integrates seamlessly with a wide range of calendar services, ensuring that all your events and appointments are synced across platforms. This integration makes it a comprehensive online planner for students, capable of handling multiple calendars simultaneously.


  • Cost for Premium Access: While Fantastical offers a basic version, many of its advanced features are locked behind a premium subscription. This cost might be a consideration for students looking for a free or more affordable option.
  • Platform Restrictions: Fantastical is primarily designed for Apple users, with availability on iOS, macOS, and Apple Watch. This platform restriction limits its accessibility for non-Apple users, making it less versatile compared to other cross-platform apps.



In this article, we’ve explored some of the best calendar apps for college students, each offering unique features to help you stay organized and productive. Google Calendar provides excellent integration with Google services, Microsoft Outlook Calendar offers robust security and professional tools, Apple Calendar ensures seamless synchronization across Apple devices, focuses on task management and productivity, Todoist excels in project organization and collaboration, and Fantastical impresses with its natural language processing and versatile interface.


Choosing the right calendar app depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you are deeply integrated into the Google or Apple ecosystem, Google Calendar and Apple Calendar are excellent choices. For those seeking advanced scheduling and security features, Microsoft Outlook Calendar is a strong contender. If task management and daily planning are your priorities, and Todoist offer robust solutions. Finally, if you prefer a powerful and intuitive interface with strong integration capabilities, Fantastical is an ideal option.

Call to Action

We encourage you to try out these calendar apps and discover which one best fits your lifestyle and academic needs. Each app offers unique features that can help you manage your schedule more effectively and stay on top of your college responsibilities. Start exploring today and find the perfect online planner for students to help you succeed in your academic journey.